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Lis, Новичок (110)
Когда: 9 февр. 2013, в 19:27, провинция: ON, категория:

Вопрос: Scientifically speaking, why do you suppose homosexuality exists in nature?

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Margaret R.Corbet, Ученик (210) Когда: 24 марта 2013, в 16:54

I grew up on a farm. Animals come into heat. Males sniff around until they find the right smell. The males that are not altered, have the urge, and look for the one in heat, trying them all, including males, which by then are not in the mood and fight back. Females may just run away, but will try to be helpful if one is in heat, when the breeding male is not available. This is the clue to the farmer to put the female in the yard of the Male for a planned pregnancy, not let him out amonge the other animals, as a fight will ensue if enclosed.
When on range The fertile male has his herd of females , but for the Fixed males, they are run with the yearlings and don't usually bother them, or each other. It is the Naturals that do the bothering, because they are dominant.

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